
GIVI DO BRASIL celebrates 20 years


Especially to celebrate the 20th anniversary of its foundation, GIVI DO BRASIL brought together, in a mega event held in March of this year, almost 300 guests, among them, employees, commercial representatives, local authorities, managers of the Italian headquarters, clients and entrepreneurs from the motorcycles coming from different parts of Brazil, South America and Europe.

Officially established on May 28, 2003 in Pindamonhangaba, in the State of São Paulo, the company currently has two branches, a manufacturing unit and a logistics unit, which together currently have approximately 70 employees and are responsible for manufacturing, customer service and supplying demands for GIVI® products exclusively in the Brazilian and Latin American markets.

Understanding the importance of stimulating the feeling of participation and belonging and, at the same time, providing its clients with a unique experience in the exact place where it all begins, the company opened its festive program with two moments of internal factory visits, allowing its clientele to get to know each of the operational processes that currently systematize the activities of its production chain and culminate in the shipment of a range of finished products that go directly from Pindamonhangaba to its distribution channels and final consumers in national and South American territories.

Continuing the program established for the event, the company provided everyone with an afternoon of autographs with the pilot Eric Granado, four-time champion of SuperBike Brasil and, the main name of the current national motorcycling.

Afterwards, all those present were invited to participate in a social pre-event, an interval filled with food and drinks whose purpose was to provide a relaxed moment of interaction and networking.

Closing the event schedule with a golden key, the official ceremony and the gala party were the high point of the day, where the company could solemnly honor each of its main customers, managers, employees and partners, but, above all, because gave all those present the opportunity to recapitulate a beautiful and successful historical trajectory.

On this May 28, 2023, GIVI DO BRASIL finally reaches the mark of exactly two decades and is proud to have become a reference in excellence and to have, deservedly, reached its place of recognition and prominence in the business world.

Congratulations, GIVI FROM BRAZIL!


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